2020 Nebula Conference Online May 29-31

SFWA Unveils an Innovative “Virtual” Nebula Conference

SFWA Unveils an Innovative “Virtual” Nebula Conference

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) is transforming the Nebula Conference into an entirely virtual conference, which will be live and interactive May 29-31. Our goal is to create the essence of the Nebula Conference, even though the form has changed.

SFWA President Mary Robinette Kowal says:

“We have been offering a streaming extension of the Nebulas for the past two years, with a long-term plan for more. With this new platform, not only will we be able to include people who would not otherwise be able to attend the Nebula Conference, but we’ll also be able to offer year-round opportunities for education and outreach.”

The Nebula Conference will include panels, solo presentations, conference mentorships, workshops, forums, chats, and virtual room parties (including a dance party hosted by John Scalzi). A portion of the funds we raise will go to assist SFWA members financially affected by COVID-19. The Nebula Awards ceremony will stream live 8 pm Eastern on May 30.

Registration is $150, and includes three days of online panels with real-time interaction, an annual subscription to archived content, and a one-year subscription to the Bulletin. People who have already registered will have the option to defer to the L.A. conference in 2021, donate to help with COVID-19 assistance, or receive a full refund.

The Conference, Transformed

This year’s transformed Nebula Conference will be held entirely online and will include two live tracks of live-streamed panels such as

  • “Being a Creative in 2020: Building Community, Visibility, and Audience in a Virtual World”

  • “Blades and Badasses: Disability and Swordwork”

  • “Writing Middle Grade with This Year’s Norton Award Nominee”

  • along with a third self-guided track of pre-recorded presentations which attendees can view at their leisure

Kowal said:

“SFWA’s vision for this year’s conference is for attendees to feel elevated through the content, enjoy a sense of community with their peers, and have an opportunity for celebration. We hope this year’s conference will replicate the informative, exciting, and social experience that the Nebula Conference has always offered, while being more accessible than ever before, and welcoming attendees from around the world who may never have had the chance to attend previously.”

The annual culmination of the conference is the Nebula Awards ceremony, a gala event in which SFWA members award the 2019 Nebula Awards® to the best works of science fiction and fantasy of the year. This year’s event will also take place virtually and will be live-streamed to conference attendees and the public alike, on May 30 at 8PM ET.


Chris Well

Chris Well been a writer pretty much his entire life. (Well, since his childhood.) Over the years, he has worked in newspapers, magazines, radio, and books. He now is the chief of the website Monster Complex, celebrating monster stories in lit and pop culture. He also writes horror comedy fiction that embraces Universal Monsters, 1960s sitcoms, 1980s action movies, and the X-Files.


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